
Mushrooms and Bicycles

                             Meet Jesse from San Francisco

                             And Nima From San Francisco

I met these two after they had spent the day taking mushrooms and cycling all over the country side. I heard a great story of waves, wind and lost cows wandering around green fields.

They are in Amsterdam for three days, while spending the summer traveling all round europe working and partying. They are fresh off two weeks in Rome working as hosts for a pub crawl, i was told it was nice to have outside urinals as it saved all the pissing in alley ways that they had witnessed in the past weeks. Next its off to Stockholm where they are going to see some gigs and make a few tracks.

They are cool guys and i had a good time listening to the stories they told, i wish them all the best with the rest of their adventure and if you should come across them i suggest buying them a beer and have a good chat and laugh about their latest escapades.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cool entry again, good reading about people being people.