
Welcome to the SMOKING Ban

The smoking ban has changed the world of coffeechops, being caught breaking any rule results in a black cross, three black crosses and they lose their permit. The city is not granting new permits, so thats it, another coffeeshop closed for good. So needless to say bar staff are being very strict following these new rules, and as a results many are completely empty for large parts of the day when just a few days ago they would be packed. For now at least its a blend of smoking tea(or any herbal nicotine free tobacco) or a pipe of some kind or the best of the lot.... a vaporizer.

I was in my local, sitting at the vaporizer table reading my book. I looked up to find two happy and polite guys asking if they could join me at the table.

Meet Quinn From California    

and Ryan From California (living in Utrecht)

Quinn is on holiday, in life he is a musician, he plays the guitar and bass. He said he mainly plays gospel, blues and soul. As i was telling him about my project he said he had a joint with a business man in a very sharp suit that very morning and also found all the different characters remarkable.

Ryan is a student, he is studying environmental sciences at Utrecht university, he got the tram down for the day to hang out with his buddy after having just arrived back from his own holiday in Madrid. 

I trust the guys will make the most of their time in the city and find a couple more vaporizers along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No new licenses being handed out?
Damn... how come?
Do you have any additional info on this topic?

Love the blog btw, very original and cool, one day we may meet in Adam...
