
More please!

This City is in need of more of these types of British tourists and less of the noisy, rude and far to often aggressive idiots that have given the Brits in general such a bad name.

                              Meet Michael from Newcastle

                             And Simon from Newcastle

I was very impressed with these two, they were polite, well spoken and super friendly, as soon as i sat down across from them they said hello and started chatting, they asked the normal where i was from and all the follow ons. Once i had told them my little story i started on them......

The are both 18 and due to start university soon, but for now they were on quite the adventure,  they had caught the bus to the ferry in Newcastle, travelled over night on the ferry then hopped on other bus to Amsterdam. They camped in a camp site near the city and caught the bus into the centre every day. This is pretty smart, they shared a tent and ended up getting 3 nights accommodation for £20.

It was funny to see there reaction when i spoke about the more "colourful" people i have come across since moving to the city and also the weird things that take place in the Amsterdamse bos. The fact sex was made legal in the Fondel park (after dark and hidden of course) also got a very shocked response.

But it was agreed that the cities "let people do what they want" attitude works well and creates a fantastic atmosphere to be in. And its true there is a very dark and twisted side to Amsterdam where you can get anything you want, but at the same time its just as easy to turn a blind eye and carry on with your own thing.

Live and let live....... having coffeeshops is just the cherry on top. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice story, good to know all brit tourists aren't crap!!