
Kids In A Candy Shop

                            Meet Chris From Glasgow

                            And Dave From Glasgow

Like kids in a candyshop these two spent their time in the City wide eyed and sampling everything they could get their sticky little fingers on. They had a little map and every time they found anything of interest the pen would come out and it would be marked down. To be fair to them they had alot marked down and had found many of the cooler places to hang out and eat, i did tell them about a very cool restaurant around the corner and i hope they enjoyed their dinner.

Chris is a security guard on a building site and works nights, he does not work very hard and has alot of free time to play on his Xbox and do all the other things that keep him entertained.

Dave works in a call center, a job he hates, but as with most jobs he has his reasons. He said it kept his girlfriend happy and the most important?? Well that would be his trip here!! Once the trip was planned he needed a job to pay for all of it. When i spoke to him he was happily stoned and enjoying the city so i suppose all the work was well worth it.

It always pleases me to meet nice people enjoying themselves and im sure the boys are already planning their next trip.


Anonymous said...

travel travel to the pub, jump a plane to the dam and to the coffee shop we will go. getting stoned in the dam, that's what travel is all about. remember the days, well, sometimes.

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During our travels up the coast of Oregon (driving from San Francisco back home to Vancouver, Canada) my wife and I traveled slightly inland to discover Tolly’s Restaurant and Soda Fountain in the historic and quaint tiny town of Oakland, just a couple of minutes off the I-5. Without exaggeration we both really did feel like kids in a candy shop.

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